Waiting Game
Early Valentine's Love Note: Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, Jack's White Blood Cells need to replenish anew...
Jack was scheduled for treatment on Monday February 5th, but it’s been delayed until his white blood cell count moves into the green zone. We are hoping for good numbers on February 12th. Clearly, his bone marrow is in charge of the schedule these days, so it needs to get off the sofa from watching football in time for him to be able to complete Round 3 early next week. Until then, we wait. He feels okay, reasonable energy and appetite, so the waiting is frustrating, but par for the course. Speaking of par—having earned the “orange flag” designation, Jack will undoubtedly be a pretty popular playing partner until April when cart path only rules go by the wayside. In fact, today was a much nicer day to spend outside than in a hospital.
Jack’s next scans will take place end of February. At that point, we will know more about how he is responding to treatment. It will also provide much needed information to doctors regarding surgical plan to remove the affected bone. Our time has been filled with many meetings with different doctors to understand more about the procedure he faces and any options that might be on the table for discussion. Jack is prepared with good questions and not shy in voicing them to doctors. When we have more information with specifics we will share it here.
Jack looks good. He spends a lot of time with his bow in the backyard and working on his aforementioned golf game. JoJo has never had more attention and she is by his side day and night. Alex comes next week for a visit, and we are all looking forward to seeing big brother.
On a lighter note, there is no question that the Great Cancer Chocolate Chip Cookie Tasting has been an unparalleled success. They have arrived from far and wide: New York, Austin, Houston. Special ingredients: browned butter, peanut butter chips, butterscotch, super premium Guitard chocolate, shortbread, sea salt. Textures to savor: chewy, crispy, cakey. Truly, thanks to friends like you, not a morsel has escaped Jack’s astonishingly astute review. These treats are all so yummy, none of us can resist tasting each delivery of your love. HOWEVER……
While are ever hopeful and optimistic Jack will be cancer-free at the end of this treatment, at the current rate of delivery and consumption, Will, Jack and I will be eligible for a family entry into the Champion Beefmaster category at the 2025 Fort Worth Stock Show. Seriously, we’re focused on good nutrition for Jack’s healing and our general health. Friends, we love hearing from you, but please NO food deliveries—sweet, savory or otherwise. A card, a text, a voicemail—is every single bit as wonderful and even more nourishing to us than a cookie. We mean it. 😍
Sending BIG LOVE to each and every one of you and hoping we have more news to share next week.
Thank you for the update! The picture of Jack and Will is fantastic sending you lots of love from The Tetons
Catherine- Thank you for sharing Jack’s story and for your openness throughout. I definitely appreciate your ability to talk about difficult things, remain hopeful, AND share things like: “Special ingredients: browned butter, peanut butter chips, butterscotch, super premium Guitard chocolate, shortbread, sea salt. Textures to savor: chewy, crispy, cakey. Truly, thanks to friends like you, not a morsel has escaped Jack’s astonishingly astute review. These treats are all so yummy, none of us can resist tasting each delivery of your love.” Sending warmest wishes your way.